
NOTE: The statistics that have been provided were produced using the statewide database developed and maintained by the Institute of Governmental Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. Mergers of census data, election data, registration data and surname dictionaries were done by the Institute of Governmental Studies to provide the most complete and accurate data possible.

AsianThis category of persons was the subject of self-identification in the United States census. When listed under Population and Voting Age Population, the statistics in this category are from the United States census. When listed under Registered Voters, the statistics in this category are the result of a comparison of surnames of registered voters in California with the Asian surname dictionary published by researchers at the University of Chicago and the Social Security Administration.
BlackThis category of persons was the subject of self-identification in the United States census, and statistics in this category are from the United States census.
CountNumber of persons within a particular category.
DTSDecline to State. 
HPIHawaiian and Pacific Islander. This category of persons was the subject of self-identification in the United States census, and statistics in this category are from the United States census.
HispanicThis category of persons was the subject of self-identification in the United States census, and statistics in this category are from the United States census.
LatinoThe registered voter statistics in this category are the result of a comparison of surnames of registered voters in California with the Spanish surname dictionary published by the United States Census Bureau.
Nat.Am.Native American. This category of persons was the subject of self-identification in the United States census, and statistics in this category are from the United States census.
Places in DistrictThese are designations produced by the United States Census Bureau as part of the census data. (C) means city; (M) means military; (R) means the unincorporated remainder of a county; (U) means an unincorporated place in a county.
Registered VotersPersons registered to vote in the State of California.
(U)An unincorporated place in a county.
Voting Age Population (VAP)Persons aged 18 or older. Total Voting Age Population is less than 100% of population. Subgroups in the Voting Age Population figures show their percentage of the Voting Age Population.
1991 DiffPercentage above or below comparable figures using 1991 district boundaries and 2000 census data.

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